How Do You Stay So Fresh and So Clean When You're on the Road?

In Depth

Welcome to Wisdom of the Masses, wherein we tap the global intelligence of our readers on matters you won’t necessarily find covered in Lonely Planet or Tripadvisor.

Unless you’re a particularly conscientious traveler and/or wizard, things can get remarkably messy when you’re living out of a suitcase for any period time. Whether you’re a light packer looking to make your clothes last, or your hotel room goes from zero to hurricane the second you open your bags, Friend of Jezebel™ and noted clean freak Jolie Kerr has helpfully tackled the issue over at Racked.

In addition to packing tips (I personally swear by in-bag organizers—pouches and smaller bags to keep your suitcase in order), Jolie has a clever idea: hand sanitizer doesn’t just assuage your germaphobia, it also works as a handy stain remover, should you find yourself without Shout Wipes or whatnot.

I’ll add another pro tip to the list: I’ve previously proselytized for Downy Wrinkle Release Plus, but that’s not my only defense against road stink. Additionally, I always throw a couple of dryer sheets in my bag. I’ll place them between layers of clothes, which keeps my garments from absorbing the scent of plastic-n-fuselage that often seeps into my luggage. (Sachets accomplish the same thing and offer some choices on scent, sure, but they come with risk: I’ve learned the hard way that if one of them busts open or leaks, you’ve got an annoying mess on your hands.)

Got some sneaky pro-tips of your own? Fill us in.

Contact the author at [email protected].

Image via Shutterstock.

Flygirl is Jezebel’s travel blog dedicated to adventures big and small, tips and tricks for navigation, and exploring the world at large. Have a story or an idea? We’re always taking submissions; email us with “Flygirl” AND your topic in the subject line. No pitches in the comments, please.

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